Tryon Rolling Art Festival Part Two-The Cars

There were some beautiful pieces of rolling art in the form of automobiles at the Tryon Rolling Art Festival. Sports cars, supercars, British cars, German, American and others all managed to find their way to this small southern town. And let’s not leave out the weird and outlandish. Here is a sampling of what showed up.

No explanation needed. Ugly back in the day, very cool now.

Sports cars…then and now

1980’s stylin’.  Remember Magnum P.I.? That’s THE Ferrari 308 GTS

Now this is cool!

How about some cars from the good ol’ USA!

Smile, baby. SMILE!

The quintessential 1960’s shaggin’ wagon. Compliments of VW.

I promised you weird. Here it is. Weird even for a Rat Rod (which are way cool, btw)

Another great auto/motorcycle show in a wonderful little southern town. The setting was great, the food was delicious and the vehicles were fabulous! Way too many bikes and cars to portray here. See them all in November 2020 in Tryon, North Carolina.


Tryon Rolling Art Festival. Part One – The Motorcycles

On a gorgeous autumn morning, I dropped the top on my MX-5 and off we went into the mountains of North Carolina. The small town of Tryon was putting on a motorcycle, car and truck show right in downtown. This would be our first time at this show, having no knowledge of it before this. But, this show has been running for eight years!

We expected to see just a token few motorcycles amid a sea of cars, but WOW were mistaken!

This show is not a Concours style event, but it is a judged show. That said, the cars and motorbikes here are in very good shape cosmetically, primped and polished to show off their best face.

Many different genres of motorcycles were present; vintage, modern, retro, touring, café, sport etc. You name it and it was probably here. Even one that many of us may have started out on:



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There were many more bikes here than I took photos of. Many of these vintage beauty’s were ridden in by the locals who owned them, others were trailered from farther away. A great event with a surprisingly large moto contingent. It’s on the calendar for 2020!